14 February 2020

Usaha dan Jodoh

Tiba2 hari tue terasa nk ask question kat member2.

Nowadays normal question bila jumpa orang
"Bila kau nak kahwin?"
"Janganlah memilih sangat"
"Kena usaha jugak jodoh nie.."

Ok. kita tak nak talk about perkara cliché. its normal for people to ask. lantak pi depa lah niat tanya tue sebab apa. Aku pun takder rasa nak simpan kecik hati ke atas soalan2 tue, sbb byk lagi hal aku nak fikir. Opss! hhahhaha.

Someday tue aku terfikir jugak what does kind of usaha yg seseorg kena buat utk dapat jodoh? Did I miss to do something?

So I ask...
This is only the response I get. errmmm..maybe tak cukup followers kot.

ok lets get serious.


Definisi : daya upaya (ikhtiar, kegiatan, per-buatan, dll) utk mencapai (melaksanakan, menyempurnakan) sesuatu:

aku tak nafikan usaha tue perlu ada. sedangkan dalam Islam pun ditekankan. USAHA. DOA. TAWAKAL.These 3 things tak boleh di pisahkan.

Tapi dalam term usaha utk dapatkan jodoh nie macammana pulak?
One thing kena ingat, if u are a muslim. jangan sampai usaha yang korg buat itu melanggar hukum syariat islam.

1. Besarkan skop pergaulan.
agree with this. berkawanlah. bergaullah. tapi jangan lupa batas, jangan lupa tanggungjawab.

untuk aku, aku ada more ciri2 introvert then extrovert. aku boleh berkawan dengan semua orang, tapi tak semua akan dapat tgk diri aku yang sebenar. I reserve myself. I don't judge people. boleh jek borak dgn siapa2. however kena tgk jugak compatability. kalau rasa tak boleh masuk, aku akan take a step back. bukan tak suka org tue tapi its better to be far but still friends rather than pura2 accept apa dia cakap lepas tue sakit hati, lepas tue kutuk kat belakang. ok dah lari topik dah nie.

how to find friends? I think the its best to find friend that have same interest with you.  Contoh from your activity. from your hobby. this is how I expand my connectivity. of course kena cari org yg kita boleh berbual kan? suka kucing, join activity berkaitan dgn kucing, suka gym, masuk kelab fitness, suka hiking masuk kelab hiking. 

Introvert aku xder sampai lonely kat rumah x buat apa2. byk jek aktivit aku buat, join sana join sini. masa pakai viva pun aku join kelab viva, ikut event diorg. tp xde jumpa jodoh plak kat kelab viva tue maybe jodoh aku kat kelab audi kot. 🤣🤣🤣

2. Dating Application
boleh guna jugak apps and website utk berkenalan skrang. Macam baituljannah, Omi dll...ada jek yg jumpa jodoh kat sini.
tapi kena hati2...tak semua tapi ada, jenis2 yg amik kesempatan atau jenis nak main2. for me, I tak prefer this medium, dh try tp 1st intro pun tak boleh masuk "asl please" yo bro! MiRC and yahoo messenger pun dah takde skrang tau.

Bila nak berkawan buat cara berkawan lah, tak semestinya terus bercinta pun. be matured lah. 
tak termasuk lagi jenis tak pndai berborak. krik krik krik. aku bg tips utk hidupkan perbualan. satu jek benda mudah. Jangan bagi jawapan mati. contoh : "Awak dah makan ke?""Dah" instead jawaplah "Dah. tpi kedai favourite tutup pulak hari nie." nampak tak ko bg chance utk org tue tanya lagi dan lagi. aku jenis bgi jawapan mati nie, aku tnya 3 kali jek. lepas tue aku chow. bukan putus asa tp aku take it as a sign ko tak suka and kau nak aku blah.

3. Kenal dari kawan
yg kawan2 tue kalau rasa ada yg boleh diperkenalkan kat kawan yg single tue, cuba lah kenalkan. tp make sure tanya dulu tuan pnya diri. ada org tak suka kita sebarkan info diri dia. And jgnlah harap bila dah kenal tue trus boleh jadi jodoh pulak.

For those yg tnya aku ok x utk this, aku open, no hal utk korg pass my contact🙋‍♀️. tp...bila intro tue jgn lah main2 "Cubalah teka" "adalah...rahsia" puiii, tak gentleman langsung 🤢. even sekadar nak kawan biasa pun, aku tak rasa kena main2 mcm tue. 

4. Doa 
Agree and nothing argue.
Doa dengan sesungguhnya dan yakin. mintaklah doa yang baik dan yg paling tinggi walau macam tak realistik. 

Allah Almighty is As-samee, He hears all sounds.
Allah is Al-Mujeeb, He is the One who responds to needs, answers prayers and He is the One who penetrates each obstacle in order to respond!
Allah is Al-Kareem the Most generous , this means that when Allah’s worshipping servants shows little submissiveness towards Him, Allah will reward them abundantly.
Allah is Al-Wadood, the One who is the source of all affection, love, and kindness. Even though He does not need us in any way Al-Wadood wishes the best for us.

My friend (Nurul Aini) writing really open up my way of pray. i got goosebumps when i read her status. If you put your trust to Him, there were really nothing to worry about.

5. Be a better person and love yourself
Do it for yourself not other. and don't compare your self with other. Your rival is only yourself from yesterday.
This cover all aspects, dalam hal kerja, dalam hal seharian, sebagai hamba Allah, sebagai anak and so on.
be a better woman/ man, a better daughter/ son, a better muslim.
Sayang diri sendiri sebelum sayang orang lain.

6. Focus on your current situation
don't think too far, lets things that we cannot see arrange by Allah. somehow our future also depends on what we do today. So why we need think about tomorrow while things today still not yet settle.

if you have parents, siblings that need your attention. focus on them at the moment. Allah give you a chance that not all can get.

7. Mandi Bunga.
Ini salah satu famous things yang melayu selalu kaitkan dengan jodoh.
I did some research on this, well i'm sorry, I need to oppose this kind usaha.
Aku bukanlah tahap ustazah, even byk jek surah pendek pun aku tak hafal. but what I can do and protect my faith, elakkan perkara2 syirik, atau whatever perkara yang menghampiri syirik.
Perkara mudah nak tau adakah sesuatu tue perkara tue syirik, adalah bila kita letak penggantungan kira pada 'benda'.
"Kena mandi bunga nie, barulah ramai boleh terpikat"

To all rakan seangkatan...final words to make you stronger.

Jangan letak pengharapan pada makhluk. Sebab semua takkan kekal.
Jangan risau tentang masa depan. Allah dah atur cantik perjalanan hidup kita.
Dan Dia dah cakap dia takkan uji kita lebih dari kemampuan kita😘.

15 January 2020

Selamat Ulang Tahun Ayah!

I found this text mixed up in my old document. It was written around 15 years ago. Some pages has been missing. Sorry if it will spoil the storyline. Before more page will be misplaced, i choose to keep it here.

This writing is from pure feeling of 18 years old girl. Gripping on air to breath, sucking the tears in so that she can smile. This is one of my side that i never showed to anyone before. 

Ayah, nini mungkin bukan seorg doctor sekarang tp nini janji nini akan jadi anak yg terbaik untuk ayah. Nini akan sentiasa pastikan ayah akan sentiasa bahagia dekat sana. 
You are always forever sweet 48!

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